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EXCENTIS - We tested Wi-Fi 6 versus Wi-Fi 6E: here are the results!


And this is what Wi-Fi 6E is all about: reducing congestion.
As our CTO Wim put it: compare it to a sports car, in ideal circumstances, it can always drive at top speeds, getting from A to B in an ideal time. In Wi-Fi 6 (and older) land, chances are high it will drive on congested roads with many old and some new cars. In Wi-Fi 6E mode, roads are added where old(er) cars cannot drive, and fast, modern cars that support 6E can move much more freely.

Using Wi-Fi 6E, requires all devices to support Wi-Fi 6E, both the clients and the access points or routers.  

To learn more about the effect in coverage using the Wi-Fi 6E 6GHz spectrum versus the 5 GHz band, we offer a comprehensive training from experts and with ample Q&A: Wi-Fi 6 Training