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[Candela] Candela LANforge New Release 5.4.7

Candela於2024/3/8上線了最新版的LANforge軟體(5.4.7),內容包含WiFi7及TR-398i4測項導入、已知問題解決等。想了解詳細更新Release Note可參考下方資訊,有更新需求,請立即與邁訊科技技術服務部門聯繫(support@meshlink.com.tw)。


邁訊科技與Candela致力於對最新的Wi-Fi技術提供成本可控的測試解決方案。LANforge協助產品製造商在研發及驗證階段做長時間大量且複雜的自動化測試,包含Rate vs. Range (RvR),Rate vs. Range vs. Orientation (RvRvO),Capacity (Multi-client),dual-band,Mesh,RFC2544等。在認證方面Candela也是Broad forum的會員,針對TR398i1, TR398i2, TR398i3, TR398i4提供自動化的完整測試方案。


針對最新的Wi-Fi7,Candela已於2023年第三季正式發表對應方案,在全球及台灣已有多個訂單交付,Wi-Fi7帶來新的技術及測試挑戰,MLO(多重連結作業)、4096QAM調變、320MHz頻寬,新的調變技術、更高的頻寬帶來更高的吞吐量Throughput。Meshlink邁訊科技與Candela Technology將協助客戶一同面對新的挑戰,並於近期佈建WiFi7 demo環境供客戶一起探索最新的技術。請隨時關切邁訊科技網站資訊或隨時與我們的技術窗口聯繫(support@meshlink.com.tw)。



[Wi-Fi測試] 真實裝置的WiFi測試

Candela LANforge 正式發表WiFi7測試平台


Release 5.4.7

  *  Support ssl/TLS communication between LANforge manager and resources, Linux only at this time.

  *  Support audio-quality reporting using VOIP and/or Mobile phone calls. Supports bluetooth and audio cable audio transport.  Supports Android and IOS phones.

  *  Add wifi-7 support to TR398v4 test cases.

  *  Add DUT RSSI and channel utilization test cases for TR398v4 test.

  *  Support IPv6 option on TR398v4 test case.

  *  Support Intel be200 wifi-7 radio.

  *  Update to 6.7 kernel for latest drivers, features, and bug-fixes.

  *  Improved LANforge support on Windows, Android, MAC-OS.

  *  LANforge is now supported on Apple IOS phones.

  *  Add Continuous RvRvO Throughput test.  Quickly test throughput over different turntable rotations.

  *  Improved RADAR Chirp emulation using CT712.

  *  Support generating modulated RF noise with CT712.

  *  Improved GUI support for RADAR and RF visualization tool.

  *  Support IPv6 UDP multicast on Android platforms.

  *  Improve latency reports for wifi-capacity test and some other tests.

  *  Improved python API, including auto-generated .py library for access to LANforge-CLI commands.

  *  Add Web-GUI tool to provide a different way to easily run automated tests, especially on Interop testbeds (beta).

  *  Support per-port DNS settings for many generic endpoints (ping, iperf) using LD_PRELOAD feature.

Bug Fixes

  *  Fix bad spam loop when incorrect resource (bad realm, bad version, etc) tries to connect to LANforge Manager process.  This was likely root cause of some of the performance bugs previously seen in Interop testbeds.

     Work-Around is to ensure resources are configured properly before attempting the 'connect_mgr' configuration.

  *  Fix some IPv6 address problems, where 'local' routes were not always added properly. 

Work-around is to reset the port if routes are not correct.