HOME / News / [5G專網應用_02] 5G Remote Excavator

[5G專網應用_02] 5G Remote Excavator

Meshlink邁訊科技代理的Druid Raemis再次在5G專網中展現了如何替企業節省更多的成本及創造更高的效率。


在2022年慕尼黑的Buuma Fair上,Opticoms利用了Druid Raemis搭建了5G專網展示了如何遠端即時的控制無人挖土機。高解析度的影像在5G高速、低延遲的特性中使得遠端遙控機械設備變得不再遙不可及。遠端遙控設備不僅避免了人員在工作現場的工安事件,也實現一人多地多機的操作切換、也可以多人輪流單機的使用,藉此大為提升工作效率。在後疫情時代5G專網的應用解決的安全及缺工問題,提升企業的競爭力。原文及demo影片可參考以下。


German telecommunications specialists Opticoms demonstrated a 5G remote excavator as part of the Bauma Fair in Munich. Opticoms used the Druid #Raemis core and Airspan Networks RAN to enable the  remote excavator.

The demonstration used a control console at the Buama Fair location to control a Hitachi Excavator which was located over 400kms away,
just outside Frankfurt at the Kiesel GmbH Coreum Sandbox in Stockstadt.

The excavator operator can see a HD live stream of the remote digger, from the same point of view as though there were in the excavator cab. The video stream is overlayed with augmented reality imaging to help with depth perception. The control console uses the same type of controls that are in a traditional excavator cab to ensure seamless machine control where human judgment is essential, but where on-site operation puts lives at risk. Operators can also increase productivity while working remotely, by switching between multiple machines with low utilization rates.

This is another example of 5G moving from the testbed stage into real deployments as well as further adoption in the #industry4.0 space. It's also an example of our partner Opticoms using their extensive experience in the private networks industry to enable multivendor 5G solutions.



